The burden of a blog! A pastor in the Archdiocese of Boston recently told me that he had read my blog. Being a lifelong Catholic, guilt comes easily to me. I resolved to immediately resume blogging! This was ten days ago.
As the owner of the Cunneen Company I start each day with a long list of very important tasks-Heavy is the head that wears the crown.
So I begin: Check facebook, check email personal, check email company, post to my twitter account, change ring tone on Iphone, check email again, update facebook status, download the latest "Paper Toss" application to my I-Phone. You are welcome for THAT referral.
Being connected in this age of "social networking" of "virtual offices" of "smart phones" of 24/7 access is no small task. The blog? Can it be that the Blog is now past tense? We hardly knew you... I mean I can say a lot in 140 characters-thank you twitter. I don't even have to spell check there, its a forgiving medium.
I will think more about you Blog and make my decision soon! After all nobody really reads you and I ALREADY have followers on twitter-I can feel our relationship slipping away.