10.) Have Fun. Times are tough, we are all feeling it. One of the principal reasons donors support an organization is it makes them feel good. Make sure that even in these extraordinarily difficult times you maintain an element of fun, and spontaneity. Keep all communication with your donors as upbeat and positive as possible and as appropriate. Doom and gloom does not raise money.
11.) Do not take your donors/parishioners for granted. Most of my clients rarely enjoy hearing this but: "Your donors have a choice". I guarantee you that your donors have another choice in which church they attend or support, which hospital they give to or what private school their children attend.
Moreover they have a choice as to if and at what level they chose to donate to your organization. In these difficult times make an extra effort to say thank you to your donors, make sure they get the handwritten note, the invitation to an appreciation event, the proper mention in your publication. It will make a big difference.
12.) Doing nothing is not the answer. Your parishioners, patients, students or clients are all counting on you and your leadership team to meet the challenges that 2009 will surely deliver. Your donors expect you to lead and are ready and willing to help you financially with volunteer help and professional expertise. Failure to lead, failure to act, letting difficult circumstances freeze you in place is not acceptable. Analyze the challenges, draft a plan and execute!
Pause for Prayer: SUNDAY 3/10
7 hours ago
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