Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sales! Sales! Sales! SALES!

We are all salespeople! Yes even our parish priests, our business managers our non profit directors-we, in one way or another are always selling something. Selling our vision, selling our passion, selling our product or service, selling our solutions, selling others on our mission-selling, selling, selling!

In order to sell you must believe that you are a salesperson!

Back in August I wrote a blogpost about this: Apparently I was ably assisted in my passion for all things sales by Tom Peters. As a long time follower of Tom's work I can only conclude based on the following video that he was the first to introduce me to the "everyone is a salesperson" school of thought.

Tom's style is not for everyone but his message is usually pretty good. Enjoy if you can.

Tom Peters on Yes! You Are in Sales! from Tom Peters on Vimeo.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Fascinating Map (New York Times)

Good Advice!

Consider ...
Daily Wisdom for Troubled Times

Get up earlier.
Go to bed later.
Work harder.
Finish what you start.
Learn one new thing.
Renew one contact.
Ask, "How can I help you?" at least once.
Make yourself visible.
Be of good cheer.

Catch a break.
Or not.

Repeat tomorrow.

Courtesy of Tom Peters blog.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I thought so!

Top 5 Most Taxed States

1. Vermont
Population: 620,000
Average tax burden per person: $3,861

2. Hawaii
Population: 1.29 million
Average tax burden per person: $3,856

3. Connecticut
Population: 3.5 million
Average tax burden per person: $3,596

4. Minnesota
Population: 5.2 million
Average tax burden per person: $3,203

5. New Jersey
Population: 8.7 million
Average tax burden per person: $3,024