Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tim Tebow! One more reason to like this guy!


Courage, conviction. This is a brave act for a sports figure just beginning his career. Bravo Tim!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Our company family continues to grow!

Throughout our almost 30 years in business, we have seen our family grow and would like to share some history with you.

Between the women and men working at Cunneen, we have:

42 Children (17 boys and 25 girls)
18 Grandchildren
7 Great grandchildren

We have 3 sets of twins ranging from 4 months, 20 years, to 43 years and one set of triplets at 2 1/2 years old.

In 2009, 3 year old “Maddie”, adopted from China, joined the Cunneen “work family”.

Monday, January 4, 2010

The Archdiocese of Cincinnati!

Archdiocese of Cincinnati
. . . . .leading the way

The Cunneen Company wishes to congratulate Most Reverend Dennis M. Schnurr, Archbishop of Cincinnati, Michael Vanderburgh, Director of Stewardship, Brian Doyle, Associate Director of Stewardship, and members of the Pastor’s Advisory Council for boldly deciding to launch an Archdiocesan-wide Parish Stewardship Initiative in the Fall of 2010.

Beginning in September of 2010, the first of 218 parish stewardship initiatives will commence. The goals of the effort are to deepen parishioner understanding of Stewardship of Treasure. Parishioners will be encouraged to increase their regular giving, to use offertory envelopes, to consider electronic giving, and to be intentional, reflective and prayerful in their support of their parish. All 175,000 families will have access to a three-year subscription of Stewardship in Motion a newsletter which explores all aspects of parish stewardship-Time, Talent, and Treasure.

Leading the way among Catholic Dioceses across the United States, parishes in the Archdiocese will benefit from parish initiatives, which will be funded by the Archdiocese. Each program will be customized to meet specific parish needs, parish timetables, and will reflect the conversation that individual parishes and pastors have already had with their parishioners about Stewardship.

Cunneen welcomes the Archdiocese to its family of clients and applauds its bold leadership. We look forward to our Fall 2010 launch!

Happy New Year


Tasked with running our company in the midst of the greatest recession in seventy years, my brother and I have found the experience has left us with conflicting emotions. Over the past fourteen months, we’ve experienced great disappointment as well as extraordinary stress and pressure. This has been tempered, however, with many instances of our entire team pulling together in a spirit of collective sacrifice to help each other, to assist our clients, and to help the firm endure the hard times. As a company, we have never worked harder, better, more efficiently and dare I say, joyfully then we have over these past months. Hardship and sacrifice have brought out the best in us all.

As I proudly write this letter, I can’t help but think that every one of our client pastors could say the exact same things about their staff, about their volunteers, and about their parishioners. We have witnessed tens of thousands of families digging a bit deeper each weekend to help support their parish in these difficult times; the work of the church has never seemed more important! We have stood in awe as thousands of pledge cards from capital campaigns all across the country arrived in our office; each completed card giving witness to the importance of Church, Faith, Sacrifice and Hope.

We have witnessed the courage of pastors and lay leaders as they boldly made the difficult decisions that were necessary to keep their parishes operating and to maintain the services that their parishioners needed more than ever. We have seen those parishioners respond. Throughout one hundred fifty-seven appeals this fall and approximately three hundred over the course of the year, in dozens of dioceses, in almost thirty states; we have not seen a single instance where the faithful didn’t respond abundantly. It has been humbling.

Looking back, this has been the most difficult year in my professional life; it has also been the most rewarding. I have never felt more proud of the work that our firm does, of our staff, and of the clients we serve. What we do is important because what you do is essential. This year has been humbling and empowering; difficult, yet, wonderful. I look to the future with a renewed spirit of optimism and a deeper belief in the work that we do.

Thank you for permitting Cunneen to assist your parishes, your dioceses and the people who you serve. Your work is important; it is essential! It remains a privilege to serve our Church.