"Within a total stewardship context, parishes and dioceses
should not hesitate to use the best available ethically
sound fund-raising practices to ask the Catholic people to
make financial contributions that are planned, proportionate,
and sacrificial. Provided that the basic approach
is consistent with the theology and practice of stewardship,
the principles and techniques of professional fund
raising can be extremely helpful to the overall stewardship
and development efforts of the parish or diocese."
Bishop's Pastoral on Stewardship 10th Anniversary Edition
The 10th Anniversary of the Bishop's Pastoral on Stewardship really advanced the discussion on Stewardship. It took the orginal letter outlined in the first edition ten years earlier and added practical and meaningful steps to assist parishes in approaching this important effort in thier parishes.
The seven steps outlined by the Bishops are:
1.) Personal Witness
2.) Committment of Leadership
3.) Evangelization and Outreach
4.) Communication and Education
5.) Gifts of time and talent (volunteers)
6.) Stewardship of Treasure
7.) Accountability
This edition of the Bishop's pastoral is an essential tool for all parishes that are seriously considering Stewardship, making a serious effort at developing a strategic plan or considering a major fundraising program such as a capital campaign.
I strongly urge everyone to take an hour and review this important document. (This includes you kind and dedicated souls that work for Cunneen!)
Pause for Prayer: SUNDAY 3/10
8 hours ago
1 comment: -The International Catholic Stewardship Conference is an important resource for those embarking on thier Stewardship journey.
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